Monday 18 October 2010

Compendium of Curiosities challenge - Dabber resist

Well here it is folks, here is my CCC for this week,  I have never had much success with this and for some reason have never been able to use the dabber very well with my stamps, maybe my stamps are not deeply etched enough, it just goes clumpy and the stamp does not come out,   the images I used for this were from Magic Moonlight, an absolutely great little blog that has tonnes of images for you to download totally free of charge, a BIG BIG thank you to you Blanca. I have used foam pads underneath the little characters but it is very difficult to see, I may take another picture tomorrow.


  1. hi Sam...this is STINKIN cute! Very cool and I am off to check out this site! thanks! jane :)

  2. Hiya Sam! This is FAB! Love the cute images and it's all put together so well.

    Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment on my Hatter. I must say, you need more confidence in your work because it's fantastic, you just have to realise it!

    Hugs... Meesh. xx

  3. this turned out so that little mouse

  4. Sam, this is darling! Those vintage Halloween images are great, and I appreciate the information about the Magic Moonlight blog!

    Your card reminds me of the decorations my mom used in our windows when I was a little girl, and I can't help but feel happy seeing it. :-)


Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, every comment is very much appreciated, thank you, thank you, thank you kindly, honest I mean it,from the heart xxx